The College Board
Industrie: Education
Number of terms: 11179
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The College Board is a not-for-profit membership organization that was formed in 1900 with the mission to promote excellence and equity in education through programs for K–12 and higher education institutions, and by providing students a path to college opportunities, including financial support ...
Independent trust of the United States, administered by a Board of Regents. Created in 1846 from the estate of James Smithson of England, it fosters the growth and spread of knowledge. The Smithsonian Institution presents exhibits and performances in areas of history, technology, science and the arts. Some of the museums and cultural organizations that function as part of the Smithsonian Institution are: the Anacostia Museum, the Archives of American Art, the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, the Freer Gallery of Art, the National Air and Space Museum, the National Museum of African Art, the National Museum of American Art, the National Museum of American History, the National Museum of the American Indian, the National Museum of Natural History, the National Portrait Gallery, the National Postal Museum, the National Zoological Park, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the National Gallery of Art, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the Center for Folklife Programs, the Center for Museum Studies, the Smithsonian Institution Archives, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Agreement among all the people in a society to give up part of their freedom to a government in exchange for protection of natural rights. John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were two European political philosophers who wrote about this concept.
Independent agency which implements social programs, including federal old-age pensions and disability insurance. Social Security was established in 1944, and was later placed under the Department of Health and Human Services. An independent agency as of March 31, 1995, the Social Security Administration is become a large organization. Funding for its programs has been a major source of controversy, especially in the debate over balancing the budget. Although many politicians from different backgrounds agree that the funding and administration of Social Security programs need to be reform, they have not been able to agree on the best manner and result of such reforms.
An official of the U.S. Department of Justice. He or she represents the United States when cases are brought to the Supreme Court. He or she also decides which court decisions from lower courts the federal government should bring to the Supreme Court for reviews. The Solicitor General determines the official federal government position on cases heard by the Supreme Court.
Supreme and final authority or power in a government. In the United States, sovereignty rests with the people.
Presiding officer in the House of Representatives. He or she is formally elected by the House of Representatives but, in reality, is chosen by the majority party. In 1910, revolts by progressive Representatives resulted in greater limitations being placed on the (finish this def)
Law passed by the British Parliament in 1765 to tax the American colonies. Because of the recommendation of George Grenville, First Lord of the Treasury in Britain (April 1763-July 1765), Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which placed a tax on newspapers, almanacs, legal documents, and other paper items. Stamps had to be purchased and attached to any paper purchased in the colonies. One of the earliest British taxes to affect a large portion of colonial society, it sparked fierce resistance. Because of these protests, including those organized by the Sons of Liberty, Parliament repealed the act on March 18, 1766.
Action that is meant to convey a message.
Taxes on goods, often placed on goods being brought into the United States from foreign nations (import tariffs).
A division of the Department of Justice. The Tax Division deals with civil and criminal cases involving tax laws, and often represents the Internal Revenue Service in court.
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