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Project Gutenberg (PG) is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works, to encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks. It was founded in 1971 by Michael S. Hart and is the oldest digital library. Most of the items in its collection are the full texts of public domain books. The ...
Významný americký štátnik, narodený v Haddam, Connecticut; 57 rokov prominentnú člen New York Bar, počas ktorých mu priniesla reformy súdnictva, a vypracoval, podľa pokynov vlády, politických, občianskych, trestných kódexov; sám záujem medzinárodného práva a namáhavý o medzinárodnú dohodu, pričom môžu spory riešia arbitráže a vojny urobil preč s; bol prezident Kongresu mier Londýn v roku 1890 (1805-1894).
Významný bankár, syn Scotch advokáta a baronet, narodil sa v Edinburgu; stal sa partnerom banková spoločnosť páni John Coutts & Co.; o dva roky neskôr bola založená nová spoločnosť, ktorého ruže sa manager, a ktorý v roku 1830 sa stal Union Bank of Scotland, on je autorom život svojho priateľa Beattie, škótsky básnik, a z "monografia z Banking-House" (1739-1806).
Významných Baptist minister, narodený v Cambridgeshire, bol vyriešený Kettering, a horliví controversialist obrany evanjelia proti hyper-kalvinizmu na jednej strane a Socinianism na druhej strane, ale je hlavne rozlíšiť v rámci nadácie Krstiteľa misijnej spoločnosti, ktoré pre väčšinu časť venoval energie z jeho života (1754-1815).
Irish county on the S. of the Shannon estuary, between Tipperary and Kerry, watered by the Mulcai, Maigue, and Deel; hilly in the S., is mostly fertile, and under corn and green crops; cattle are reared and dairy products exported; some woollens and paper manufactured. There are many antiquities. Limerick, the county town, on the Shannon, is the fourth Irish seaport, and manufactures a little lace.
Eminent chemik Churchtown, Lancashire; postupne viedla stoličky chémie v Owens College, v nemocnici Bartolomeja, v Royal Institution, Royal vysoká škola chémie a normálne School of Science, South Kensington, tá ktorej on odstúpil v roku 1885; uverejnil rôzne práce, a bol zapojený s Lockyer do výskumov v atmosfére slnka; narodený roku 1825.
An English divine and poet, horn at Kirkby Stephen; was a prebend of Wells Cathedral; wrote a poem entitled "Genius and Virtue," and executed with a brother a translation of Plutarch's Lives (1735-1779).
Fifth city in England, largest in Yorkshire, on the Aire, 25 m. SW. of York, in the West Riding; has been noted for its textile industry since the 16th century, now its woollen manufactures of all kinds are the largest in England, and besides other industries, there are very large manufactures of ready-made clothing, leather, boots and shoes, and iron. There are many fine buildings: St. Peter's Church is the largest; St. John's, consecrated in 1634, still retains the fittings of a "Laudean" church. There is a magnificent infirmary, a grammar-school, and art-gallery. The Yorkshire College is affiliated with Victoria University. Dr. Priestley was a native. A Parliamentary borough only since 1832, it now returns five members.
Giovanni de' Medici, son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, sovereign of Florence; was distinguished as a patron of art, science, and letters, and as occupant of the chair of St. Peter at the outbreak of the Reformation, and as by his issue of indulgences for the replenishment of his treasure provoking the movement and rousing the ire of Luther, which set the rest of Europe on fire.
Editor of Punch from 1843 to his death, born in London; began his career as a dramatist, story-teller, and song-writer, writing 60 pieces for the stage and 100 songs (1809-1870).
The Cambridge school founded in 1875 to supply under unsectarian religious influences a high-class education, the founders of it having been chiefly members of the Methodist body.
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