United States Department of Agriculture
Industrie: Government
Number of terms: 41534
Number of blossaries: 0
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Rapport du Service agricole étranger des exportations agricoles américaines et importer des données sur en vrac, intermédiaires et de Consumer-Oriented (BICO). En outre, la base de données comprend des produits forestiers et les poissons comestibles et les produits de la mer. Ces données sur le commerce sont en outre classées parmi 46 groupes de produit distinct. Les données sont disponibles en format calendrier et exercice et pour les 16 régions du monde et 35 marchés de chaque pays. Les données BICO sont accessibles au.
Un accord commercial entre les deux pays. L'accord peut être soit préférentiel (les obligations et les avantages s'appliquent seulement aux deux pays concernés) ou nation la plus favorisée (les avantages et les obligations négociées entre les deux pays sont étendues à tous ou plus autres nations). L'accord de libre-échange États-Unis-Israël est un exemple d'un accord commercial préférentiel.
This Act is P.L. 104-210 (October 1, 1996) which was named in honor of the late Congressman who was a champion of efforts to expand food donations to the poor and to protect those who make donations. It converts the Model Good Samaritan Food Donation Act to permanent law and incorporates it into the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (section 22). Good samaritan laws are designed to encourage the donation of food and groceries to nonprofit charitable agencies by minimizing the risks of legal actions against donors and distributors of foods. The 1996 amendments exclude from civil or criminal liability a person or nonprofit food organization that, in good faith, donates or distributes donated foods for food relief. The new law does not supersede state or local health regulations and its protections do not apply to an injury or death due to gross neglect or intentional misconduct.
The absorption and concentration of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and certain pesticides in plants and animals. Toxicity can be expressed in several ways: lead that is ingested by calves can bioaccumulate in their bones, interfering with calcium absorption and bone development; stored chemicals may be released to the blood stream at a later time, for example, during gestation or weight loss; and chemicals may concentrate to lethal levels at upper ends of the food chain. Bioconcentration is a synonym for biaccumulation.
A measure of the amount of oxygen consumed by natural, biological processes that break down organic matter, such as those that take place when manure or sawdust is put in water. High levels of oxygen-demanding wastes in waters deplete dissolved oxygen (DO) thereby endangering aquatic life. Sometimes referred to as "biological oxygen demand. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a measure of the oxygen consumed when organic matter is broken down chemically rather than biologically. COD can be determined much more quickly than BOD and more accurately reflects the amount of organic matter in a water sample. BOD is a standard measure of water quality.
Biodiesel is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency as a pure fuel or as a fuel additive and is a legal fuel in commerce. It is typically produced through the reaction of a vegetable oil or animal fat with methanol in the presence of a catalyst to yield glycerin and biodiesel (chemically called methyl esters). It is an alternative fuel that can be used by itself or blended with petroleum diesel for use in diesel engines. Its use can result in substantial reduction of unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter. Provisions of the Energy Conservation Reauthorization Act of 1998 (ECRA, P.L. 105-388) amended the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT, P.L. 102-486) to allow that the use of biodiesel added to conventional diesel at blends of 20% and higher would produce credits to offset up to 50% each year of alternative fuel vehicle acquisition requirements. Farmers and processors anticipate that increased use of biodiesel will strengthen the market for soybean oil.
En général, la variété et la variation entre les plantes, animaux et micro-organismes et entre leurs écosystèmes. Il comporte 3 niveaux : diversité des écosystèmes, la diversité des espèces et la diversité génétique (au sein des espèces). Le concept de maintien de la biodiversité maintient que la civilisation doit préserver le plus grand nombre possible d'espèces existantes ainsi qu'un pool génétique très diversifié, qui peut être exploité pour des caractéristiques utiles et bénéfiques, sera disponible dans le futur. Diversité génétique fournit des ressources pour la résistance génétique aux ravageurs et aux maladies. Dans l'agriculture, la biodiversité est un système de production que se caractérise par la présence de plusieurs végétaux et/ou des espèces animales, par opposition à la spécialisation génétique de monoculture.
The practice of using beneficial natural organisms to attack and control harmful plant and animal pests and weeds is called biological control, or biocontrol. This can include introducing predators, parasites, and disease organisms, or releasing sterilized individuals. Biocontrol methods may be an alternative or complement to chemical pest control methods. Biocontrol is part of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service program to control several economically important pests of food and fiber crops; it also is researched and used by other USDA agencies that promote integrated pest management.
Using living organisms to test the quality of either effluent to be discharged into receiving waters, or waters downstream from a discharge.
Immunization vaccines, bacterins, antigens, and antitoxins and other preparations made from living organisms and their products, intended for use in diagnosing, immunizing, or treating humans or animals, or in related research. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has responsibility for approving some animal biologics. See Veterinary biologics.
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