United States Department of Agriculture
Industrie: Government
Number of terms: 41534
Number of blossaries: 0
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Les Packers and Stockyards Act comprend des dispositions vise à protéger les intérêts financiers des producteurs de bétail et de volaille. En vertu de la Loi, les inventaires et les comptes débiteurs d'un emballeur ou le marchand de volailles vivantes — mais pas les marchands d'élevage (bovins, porcs, moutons) comme maisons de ventes — doivent être détenues en fiducie pour les vendeurs de trésorerie non rémunéré lorsque l'emplisseur ou le marchand de volailles ne parvient pas à payer en raison de la faillite ou d'autres difficultés financières. En pareil cas, le vendeur doit être payé avec ces actifs avant les autres créanciers. USDA depuis plusieurs années cherche un amendement à la Loi sur l'extension de cette protection à ceux qui vendent aux marchands de bétail, qui, le ministère dit, ont causé une importante quantité de pertes irrécupérables pour les éleveurs.
Un ratio financier qui mesure le pourcentage de l'actif de l'exploitant d'une ferme qui sont financées par la dette. Par exemple, un ratio de 0,4 signifie que pour chaque tranche de 100 $ de l'actif, l'opérateur a 40 $ de la dette. Le rapport indique à un prêteur, le degré de sécurité d'un prêt. Des valeurs plus élevées indiquent les plus à risque. Même si un niveau sécuritaire ou acceptable varie considérablement de l'entreprise, un ratio d'endettement dépassant 0,4 peut indiquer des difficultés financières. Un ratio de 0 signifie que l'opérateur n'a aucune dette ; un rapport supérieur à 1 signifie que la dette de l'emprunteur dépasse la valeur des actifs, ce qui indique l'insolvabilité de l'entreprise agricole.
The concept of separating federal farm payments from the requirement that farmers produce specified program crops and/or divert land from production. A chief goal of decoupling is to remove a seemingly inherent contradiction in traditional policy: asking farmers to reduce production, while implicitly encouraging more output by tying their benefits to each unit produced. The decoupling concept was first introduced during debate over policy options in the 1985 omnibus farm bill, and was effectively implemented by policy changes made by the FAIR Act of 1996.
A cash forward contract that provides for determining price by formula at a later date. This also may be called "booking the basis," when the formula sets price relative to a futures price.
Direct government payments made to farmers who participated in an annual commodity program for wheat, feed grains, rice, or cotton, prior to 1996. The crop-specific deficiency payment rate was based on the difference between the legislatively set target price and the lower national average market price during a specified time. The total payment was equal to the payment rate, multiplied by a farm’s eligible payment acreage and the program payment yield established for the particular farm. In the latter years of the program, farmers could receive up to one-half of their projected deficiency payments at program signup. If actual deficiency payments, which were determined after the crop year, were less than advance deficiency payments, the farmer was required to reimburse the government for the difference, except for zero, 50/85-92 payments. The FAIR Act of 1996 eliminated deficiency payments and replaced them with production flexibility contract payments.
A chemical that removes leaves from trees and growing plants; regulated as a pesticide.
The Delaney Clause in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) states that no additive shall be deemed to be safe for human food if it is found to induce cancerin man or animals. It is an example of the zero tolerance concept in food safety policy. The Delaney prohibition appears in three separate parts of the FFDCA: Section 409 on food additives; Section 512, relating to animal drugs in meat and poultry; and Section 721 on color additives. The Section 409 prohibition applied to many pesticide residues until enactment of the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-170, August 3, 1996). This legislation removed pesticide residue tolerances from Delaney Clause constraints.
A type of deferred pricing that provides for transfer of title before the price is determined and final settlement made. Contracts including this feature are sometimes called "price-later" contracts.
In settlement of a futures contract, the tender and receipt of the actual commodity, the cash value of the commodity, or of a delivery instrument covering the commodity (e.g., warehouse receipts or shipping certificates). Futures contracts may be settled by delivery, but more often they are settled by offset or cash. Each futures exchange has specific procedures for delivery of a commodity.
The specified month within which a futures contract matures and can be settled by delivery. Also referred to as contract month.
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