Accueil >  Blossary: Weeds  >  Term: tree of heaven
tree of heaven

Ailanthus altissima is a deciduous tree in the Simaroubaceae family. It is native to both northeast and central China and Taiwan. Unlike other members of the genus Ailanthus, it is found in temperate climates rather than the tropics. The tree grows rapidly and is capable of reaching heights of 15 metres (49 ft) in 25 years. However, the species is also short lived and rarely lives more than 50 years. It is considered a noxious weed in Australia, the United States, New Zealand and many countries of central, eastern and southern Europe. The tree also resprouts vigorously when cut, making its eradication difficult and time consuming. In many urban areas, it has acquired the derisive nicknames of "ghetto palm", "stink tree", and "tree of Hell".

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  • Partie du discours : noun
  • Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Plantes
  • Catégorie : Plantes


Catégorie : Geography

Nombre de termes : 21


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