Category: History
Created by: Marouane937
Number of Blossarys: 58
The Rwandan genocide took place in 1994. It saw the mass slaughter of the Tutsis by the Hutus, resulting from long standing internal conflict between the two ethnic groups. J.E. Burnett states that the civil war broke out as a result of a coup by the Rwandan Patriotic Front in an attempt to defeat the Hutu led government. The Hutu retaliated and the ensuing civil war that took place meant that a staggering percentage of the country was killed during the genocide in the East African State. The number affected is estimated to be somewhere in the region of five hundred thousand to over one million. As is the case in all wars, both sides were complicit in the mass murdering of Rwandan citizens and as such, both the Hutus and the Tutsis must be held accountable.
Ruandas genocīds notika 1994. gadā. Juta, ka masveida nokaušanu Hutus, kas izriet no ilgtermiņa iekšējais konflikts starp divām etniskām grupām, Tutsis. J.E. Burnett teikts, ka pilsoņu karš izcēlās sakarā ar Ruandas tēvijas priekšā valsts apvērsuma mēģinājums, lai uzvarētu Hutu vadīja valdību. Hutu retaliated un sekojošā pilsoņu kara, kas notika nozīmēja, ka satriecoša īpatsvars valstī tika nogalināts laikā genocīdu Austrumāfrikas valstī. Skaits tiek lēsts, kaut kur reģionā, lai vairāk nekā viens miljons piecsimt tūkstoši. Tāpat kā visi kari, abās pusēs tika iesaistīti Ruandas iedzīvotāju masu slepkavoja un kā tādu, gan Hutus un Tutsis jābūt atbildīgam.