The College Board
Industrie: Education
Number of terms: 11179
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The College Board is a not-for-profit membership organization that was formed in 1900 with the mission to promote excellence and equity in education through programs for K–12 and higher education institutions, and by providing students a path to college opportunities, including financial support ...
Part of the Department of Veterans' Affairs. This administration operates a network of health care facilities, including: 171 medical centers; 340 outpatient clinics; 127 nursing home care units; and 196 Vietnam Veterans Outreach Centers. In addition, the administration helps support veterans' health care in non-VA hospitals. Other programs include medical and health care research projects and physician and dentist training.
The person who takes over the Presidency in case of illness or death of the President. The Vice President also acts as president of the Senate, over which he presides. He or she may not vote in the Senate, except to break a tie. Presidential candidates often choose running mates to attract support from voters otherwise disinclined to vote for them. For most of American history, the role of the Vice President was very limited. Under the presidencies of Carter, Reagan and Clifton, however, the Vice President has been given more responsibilities.
Proposal presented by Virginia delegates at the 1787 Constitutional Convention which recommended that Congress be bicameral, and that states' representation be based on their populations. This plan favored states with large populations, since they would have more representatives in Congress than less populated states.
Choose. In order to vote in the United States, a person has to be at least 18 years old and a citizen of the United States. People who are eligible to vote must register.
Subdivisions of a city, for sectioning election districts. A significant number of cities are divided into wards.
A court order that makes an official action legal, such as a search warrant or an arrest warrant.
Center of the executive branch and official residence of the President and his immediate family. The President's key personal and political staff have offices in the White House. Most work in the West Wing, which also contains the Oval Office and the Cabinet Room. Aside from the Vice President and Cabinet members, the major Executive advisors are: the Chief of Staff of the White House; the Counsel to the President; the Press Secretary; the President's Physician; and the Director of Staff for the First Lady.
Centre de la branche exécutive et la résidence officielle du président et de sa famille immédiate. Personnel clé personnels et politique le président du ont des bureaux à la maison blanche. La plupart des travaux dans l'aile Ouest, qui contient également le Bureau ovale et la salle du Cabinet. Mis à part les membres du vice-président et du Cabinet, les conseillers exécutif principaux sont : le chef d'état-major de la maison blanche ; le conseiller du Président, le Secrétaire de presse ; médecin du président ; et le directeur du personnel de la première Dame.
Mandat d'une ordonnance de la Cour qui rend un acte officiel juridique, comme un mandat de perquisition ou une saisie.
Centro do poder executivo e residência oficial do Presidente e sua família. Da o Presidente chave pessoal e político pessoal têm escritórios na casa branca. Maior parte do trabalho na ala oeste, que também contém o salão oval e a sala do gabinete. Além do Vice-Presidente e armário Membros, são os principais assessores de executivo: o chefe de gabinete da casa branca; o advogado ao Presidente; o Secretário de imprensa médico do Presidente; e o diretor de pessoal para a primeira-dama.
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